
Friday, April 15, 2016

I SEE RED Interventions / Transitional Sculptures, March 2016

I SEE RED/ Interventions - Transitional Sculpture, Michiel Keuper, March 2016

In March I participated in an improvisational performance series I SEE RED/ Interventionstogether with Peter Pleyer, dancer/choreographer and Andrea Keiz, video artist. Over the course of one week we brought together our individual practices and ideas/projects that we were currently working on. 
Partly inspired by the artist Barbara Kasten, who's known for creating studio settings and subsequently photographing them, I proposed transitional balancing sculptures from different materials, small objects and props. During the performance I would start building and balancing from scratch. Hence the installations were not fixed and the outcome would be different each night. 

From the program:
Inspired by the history of interventions by artists and designers in the field of choreography and vice versa, dancer/choreographer Peter Pleyer and visual composer/designer Michiel Keuper use this series of performances to improvise new space and dance compositions based on their long-term collaboration. On Friday and Saturday they will be joined by video artist Andrea Keiz. With a focus on process, the audience is invited to witness the creation of a landscape of objects, costumes, dances, books, stories and images.

[all photos: Michiel Keuper]

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Sophiensaele Image Campaign / Art Work Poster, January 2016

Sophiensaele Image Campaign, spring 2016. Graphic Design: Jan Grygoriew

In January Peter Pleyer and I were commissioned to propose an image for Sophiensaele's Image Campain. Amongst our proposals, the photo with the mask made it onto the poster, and even on the cover of the program leporello. See the ones that didn't make it to the final round here.

Sophiensaele Image Campaign - Program February/ March/ April 2016. Graphic Design: Jan Grygoriew

Visible Undercurrent poster and the Sophiensaele Image Campaign side by side, street view, Berlin, April 2016 

Sophiensaele entrance gate, street view, April 2016

The original image. Photo / Art Direction: Keuper Pleyer, 2016